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Troop 55 Fall Camporee 2005


School has started, it must be time for the fall camporee. This year it was held in Clarksville, IA. The park was very nice and there were different activities for the scouts.

The service project was picking up the branches that had fallen from the recent storms.




After the service project, each scout had some free time. Some read . . .

Some slept . . .

lunch Some made lunch.
They had activities for the scouts. A mothers worst nightmare? hatchet
hatchet1 That's right, hatchet throwing. Some even stuck to the boards!
Another way to use a hatchet . . . Chop
river One activity was a three hour canoe or kayak trip down the river. Everyone enjoyed this. Just getting started.
One of the adults supervising. (Bring it on) river1
river2 Now he looks ready to kayak.
Has there ever been a campout without a fire? Even without a fire ring at our site, there is always a way. fire
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