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Troop 55 Junior Leadership Training 2005
A huge thank you to Al and Loren for all of their work to make the 2005 Junior Leadershp Training weekend another great success. All of the scouts and adults involved had a great time and may have even learned something along the way. Those who watched Crimson Tide saw a great movie. Thanks to Roger for taking the photos.


Along with training, the scouts had some "down time". This was spent playing Othello, Risk and a big snowball fight.

Some of the scouts in a game of Risk. In the back, some of the leaders discuss the latest batch of coffee.



Our scout master grabbing a bite to eat. With Loren cooking, nobody starves and the food is always good. Thanks Loren!!!

4 The beginning of another team activity
Food is always an important part of any scout activity. 5
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