Spring Camporee 2007 | |
Troop 55 took part in the Spring Camporee. Due to rain and flooding, it was moved from BlackHawk Park to Camp Ingawanis. The Organizing Districts did an awesome job setting it up. The scouts had a great time as did the scouters! The Webelos of Pack 55 joined us as well. | |
As soon as we arrived, it was time to find a camp site. |
Setting up the dining fly |
The dining fly set up. We needed it for the sun. Nearly 90 degrees on Saturday. |
The walking was dangerous in the pasture |
Working on breakfast the next morning |
Setting up the flagpole |
Opening flags by Troop 55 |
We started with a service project. Cleaning up the camp |
We picked up the Ingachuk campsite. This is where we will stay ina month for summer camp. |
The afternoon activities was a "Survivor Series" Competition. There were 30 stations that the scouts could do. 7 were mandatory. What a GREAT afternoon! | |
Find 7 things wrong with this camp site |
10 objects hidden in the muck. Yes, it really was that NASTY!!! |
The Death Wolves show how to get 6 people across on 2 boards. |
The Purple People work on their Patrol Flag |
The ManBearPigs get ready for their next challenge |
Shark Attack!!! There were 4 sharks with questions that had to be answered |
One challenge was catching "coconuts" in milk jugs. The Death Wolves show their winning form |
Madam Sharon Knows all, Sees all, Tells, well, I'm not really sure what. She read fortunes of the Webelos. Somehow, they all had a bright future in Boy Scouts! |
For the Webelos, there was a special Arrow of Light Ceremony |
In Troop 55, we never starve on campouts. We had a group FEAST for all of our scouts, scouters, and the Webelos and their parents. | |
Now that's a dutch oven. The big Kahuna with chili. There was none left by the end of the night. |
While some cooked, some of the scouts and webelos worked on a bridge | |
What a great meal. Great food and fellowship!!! | |
The evening campfire was a great way to end a wonderful day | |
There were prizes and surprises at the campfire. | |
Troop 55 was well represented at the campfire. The Purple People did a skit. There were over 60 teams competing in the Survivor Series. The ManBearPigs took 5th place and the Death Wolves took 4th place overall. Awesome job to all!!! |