December 2008 Junior Leadership Training | |
Every year Troop 55 meets in December for Junior Leadership Taining. This is an opportunity for each scout to learn about the positions available in the troop. This year it was held at the Winnebago Scout Reservation. | |
After arriving, and unpacking, Al started the night with a game. The first was 2 truths and a lie. Always a fun game. |
The following morning, the scouts were a little slow to get up. It's amazing how fast they woke up when they heard the air horn. | |
After breakfast, was another game. This time the object was to see how many balls they could keep going at one time. |
The next game involved a metal loop, string and a ball. The ball had to be lifted up pulling just on the strings (you could not touch the ring or ball) and move it across the room. |
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The final game involved lifting a hula hop with several members blindfolded. Each person could use only one finger. |
Then class started. |
Carol and Tammy were in charge of lunch. They had an interesting idea. Each piece needed for lunch was placed in a bag (1 bag only had bread, 1 bag only had chips, etc.). Each scout received 1 bag. They had to decide how to get the other pieces needed to complete their lunch. |
One scout only got napkins (yes, he did get to eat) |
The scouts all worked together. Instead of trading, they placed all of their items on the table, and went through the line. One of many solutions they could have come up with. |
After lunch, Carol had a game. the scouts were paired up. One was blindfolded. The other scout led them to a tree. They could touch the tree, get any ideas they could about it. Then they were lead back to the starting area. The blindfold was taken off and they had to try and find their tree. |
Josh bonds with his tree . . . |
While it seems Thanasay is bonding with his tree, he had a lot of trouble finding it again. |
Next was a service project. There was a lot of wood to be split and stacked. |
While we were waiting, the scouts had a snowball fight. |
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Some of the wood was already cut, and we just had to move it, split it and stack it. Other, the ranger was still cutting from dead trees. |
One of 2 trailers we filled with wood |
At the end of the day, was more free time. Some of the scouts took advantage of a great sledding hill. Steep and fast, what more coul you want? |
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The last indoor game was Willow in the wind. |
It was a great weekend. The scouts had fun, learned a little bit more about their new positions for the coming year, ate some great food, watched movies. All in all, a really good camp out. |