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Troop 55 Service Projects

May 2005 Highway Cleanup
April 2006 Highway Cleanup

October 2007 Highway Cleanup

Troop 55 has several service projects that they perform every year. In 2006, we did over 300 service hours as a troop!

We have a two mile stretch of Highway 58 leading out of Cedar Falls that we have taken care of for over ten years. Last year, we received the Governors Volunteer Award for 10 years of Community Service. We meet twice a year to pick up trash along the Highway.

Gov Award

We also have scouts who volunteer at the library and others who are on Safety Patrol at school.

Twice a year at the Camporee, there are usually opportunities for Service Projects.

Starting in 2007, the PLC voted to start a new Service Priority for Troop 55. We will try and do one service project as a Troop every month.

Our February project was putting together information bags for the Tourist Center for Cedar Falls. Thank you to Susan and Dave for letting take over their garage!


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