Important information for
Troop 55

future Next Troop Meeting, September 9, 6:45

Troop Committee Meeting minutes and PLC minutes posted in secure part.
Future meetings:
PLC will meet at Orchard Hill Church September 8 at 7 pm. We will discuss the Coed Troop Pilot, merit badges and activities. Be sure to show up to have input into the schedule.
Troop Committee will meet 8/27 at Orchard Hill Church at 7 pm. We will discuss the Coed troop, leadership and many other improtant topics.

fire September Manchester White Water Park

Troop Roster has been updated Novmeber 2023 in the secure area of the site.

The May 2024 Troop Committee meeting minutes and May 2024 PLC minutes have been posted in the secure area.

Troop Leadership for Adults and Scouts has been updated.

Have you done Service hours? There is a new form available to fill out. You can find it here

The list of Merit Badges and our Merit Badge Counselors has been updated as well.
fire The new camping calendar posted as of February 2024. It is mainly finished.

The camping calendar will be decided on August 19th. The current version has been posted . The current calendar is at here
The new calendar will be posted as soon as it is decided upon by the scout on August 19th. Be sure to attend to have input into what we do for the year.

fire The new BSA Physical Form is available under the FORMS tab. Be sure to use the new form.

future New requirements for the Red Flannel Patch.

Its now 4 steps to Zero hero! Get the details here
fire 2016 New Rank Advancements.

All of the rank advancements change as of January 1, 2016. If you are working on a current rank, you can finish using the old requirements. But, the next rank uses the new requirements. The new requirements can be found here

New pages have been added to the website!

Do you have any idea how many Triple Crown Recipients Troop 55 has? Click here to find out. It's impressive and you could add your name to the list!

How many Adult leaders are Woodbadge trained? Click here to find out. It's impressive and as an adult leader, you could add your name to the list!

Do you know how many GREAT leaders Troop 55 has been blessed with throughout it's history? Click here to find out.

Board of Review Questions

Now posted to review or print
fire What does it take to be a Trained Adult Leader?

Check out this new page. Links to everything you need to become "Trained". You can also renew your certificates.All new parents should go through these pages. Each takes about 30 minutes.

collection Merit Badge Workbooks:
Merit Badge Workbooks for most merit badges are now available on our website! These are in PDF format, the program for PDF files is available if you don't have it.

The link for these workbooks is on the forms page, parents page or for now . . .
We have a whole book of games for our meetings! Click here to look at some of the games.
Looking for words of wisdom?
Click here