Philmont Parent Letter

October 6, 2008

Dear Scouts and Parents,


Trip to Philmont Scout Ranch, near Cimarron, New Mexico leaving July 20 and returning August 4, 2009.


There are 12 participants currently signed up for the expedition, 9 youth and 3 adults.  There is one youth and one adult on the waiting list.

Estimated Costs:

$1134.00 (see  breakdown of the costs).  These costs do not include souvenirs, hiking boots, backpack, and other personal gear.

Philmont $694
Train $260
Food $40
Shirts(2) $20
MISC $20
Fuel $15
Bus $50
Training Campout $15

Extra day at Philmont $20 (may be more if we stay off site at a state camp ground)

Total $1134


Payment Schedule (preliminary, depending on actual travel):

We need to purchase train tickets soon to get the best prices.  Amtrak reservations can be made up to 11 months in advance.  Also, note theremay be a small change in the amounts of the final two payments as travel prices are better finalized.

Down Payment                                                                        $100.00      Paid

1st payment                                                                             $270.00      paid
2nd payment                                                                            $270.00      paid
3rd payment                                                                             $270.00      due 12/1/2008
Last payment                                                                           $220.00      due 3/1/2009 (remaining balance due)

Total for each participant                                                     $1130.00

All payments are to be paid to the Winnebago Council.

October Scout and Parent’s Meeting:

When: October 14  room 111

Where:  Orchard Hill Church 6:30 p.m. room 111
Who: Required for all 2009 Philmont Trek participants.  If you absolutely can not make this meeting, please contact one of the leaders.
Why: The objectives of this meeting isfor the scouts to get to know each other.   They will be selecting an Crew Leader and Assistant Crew Leader for the trek.  We will be handing out information about Philmont, planning guides, etc.  We will have ideas for a Philmont Trek t-shirt.  There will be a questionnaire that will be handed out.  This is VERY important as the results from this will help us determine what trek we want to apply for in the spring (there are over 37 treks available).  We also will discuss gear a little (more of this to be covered in the spring).

FYI: I am very excited about the group of scouts we have going.  Among them are 4 who have been on Eagle Claw twice, and 2 who have been on Eagle Claw once.  This is 6 of 9 are very experienced backpackers.  Compared to some groups, this gives us a tremendous advantage and the ability to comfortably choose as difficult a trek as they desire.

The plan is to travel by private car from Cedar Falls to the train station at Fort Madison, IA, take Amtrak from Fort Madison, IA to Raton, New Mexico.  We are looking at options of either taking the bus to Philmont the day before our trek leaves, or camping at one of several state parks outside Philmont on July 21.  No reservations have been made, Amtrak reservations can be made up to 11 months in advance.  We will discuss this further at the meeting.

Fund Raising:

The Winnebago Council will help with the fundraising for this trip by giving the participants a higher commission on the pocorn that they sell.  The council only does this for trips that are sponsored by the Winnebago Council and it is a very good deal.  So participate in the popcorn sales this fall.

Physical Requirements:

The Philmont Advisors Guidebook recommends that everyone earn the Backpacking merit badge.  This includes three 15 mile treks with two overnights each and one 5 day backpacking trek covering at least 30 miles.  (We will count the Philmont trek for the 5 day requirement.)

Physical conditioning is essential!  It is not too soon to begin a physical fitness program.

From the Philmont Guidebood to Adventure: (some information about 3 essential items)


A quality pair of broken-in hiking boots are a necessity at Philmont.  Do not purchase boots for the scouts too soon, you don’t want them to out grow the boots before the trip.  Your trek may cover uneven rocky areas with many steep trails.  Well broken-in boots that fit properly will keep you comfortable and prevent injuries.

When fitting boots, try them on at the end of the day when your feet may be a little larger.  Use the same socks you will hike in.  With your feet in the boots, and laces loosened, you should be able to place two fingers behind the heel. With your socks on and the laces fully tightened, your toes should not touch the end of the boot, while standing on a 30 degree incline.  Don’t be surprised if your boot is one size longer and one width wider than your shoe size.  Hiking boots for Philmont whould be 6 to 8 inches high with a sturdy sole.  Be sure to treat your boots for wet weather.


A sturdy pack, either external or internal frame, is essential for backpacking at Philmont.  All of your personal gear, plus your share of food and crew equipment, should fit inside your pack.

A padded hip belt is essential for your pack.  It allows you to transfer the weight from your shoulders and put it on your hips—which can support more weight than your shoulders.

To keep your pack dry at night and while hiking in the rain, a waterproof nylon cover is recommended.

Sleeping Bags

Your sleeping bag should be warm (suitable for temperatures down to 25 degrees), but not bulky or heavy.  If your sleeping bag may not be warm enough, long underwear and a stocking cap will increase your confort on cold nights.  When your sleeping bag is packed it should be no more than 20 inches long and 10 inches in diameter, and it should weigh 5 pounds or less.

Crew Leader(SPL), Asst. Crew Leader(ASPL), Quartermaster, Chaplain’s Aid, and Adult Advisor:

The Crew Leader, Asst. Crew Leader, QM, and Chaplain’s Aide will be elected by the scouts.

Adult Advisors take note of the following:

According to the Philmont Unit Planning Guide, “All registered adults must have current BSA Youth Protection Training for participation is any national event/activity.  Because of the concern the Boy Scouts of America has for the problem of child abuse in our society, the Youth Protection program has been developed to help safeguard both our your and adult members.”

Physical conditioning is essential!  It is not too soon to begin a physical fitness program.

Respectfully submitted,

Greg Harter , Philmont Trek Council Chairman

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