2012 Philmont check-in Procedure

We will arrive on Sunday. We will check in, get our tent assignments and get our gear put in the tents. We will have the rest of the day to look around, see the Trading Post. I would encourage everyone to attend one of the Religious Services each night. Listen to a speaker from a different faith one night. Last time, we were told the person who lead the Jewish was an amazing speaker and he was.

Monday will be a very full day.

On Monday (do this as a crew with your Ranger):

1. Tent assignment. Already done
2. Your adviser picks up the key to the crew locker. You will be taken promptly to the Security Office, where you may reserve a crew locker for safekeeping your belongings. Only your adviser will have the locker key. All unattended gear and clothing must be stowed in your crew locker (maximum two lockers per crew) or vehicle when you hit the trail. Nothing can be left in your tent.
3. Your adviser meets the registrar. Your contingent leader or adviser will meet the registrar in the Camping Headquarters office to finalize fee payments. A complete roster of participants must be turned in at this time and certificates shown for first aid and CPR. Philmont requires that at least one person (preferably two) in each crew be currently certified in American Red Cross First Aid and CPR or the equivalent. A large envelope for storing extra money and valuable papers will be issued here. When you have deposited these items, your adviser will return the envelope to the registrar to store in a safe while you are on the trail.
4.  Your leaders visit Logistic Services. Your adult adviser and crew leader will meet one of the itinerary planners at Logistic Services to finalize arrangements for your program, food pickups, and bus transportation. Your crew leader should bring a Philmont map to mark your route and campsites. You will be given a copy of your selected itinerary as a souvenir of your Philmont adventure.
5. Your crew photograph. A Philmont photographer will take the picture, and color prints (8-by-10 inches) will be available when you return from the trail. Each person will receive one photo free. The photographer will record the crew order. The BSA uniform or crew uniform is appropriate dress.
6. Medical recheck. A medical recheck will be given to all crew members. Your ranger will give you the procedures for this required recheck. Participants who do not satisfactorily complete this recheck will be sent home at their expense. Participants must not exceed the maximum weight/height chart. You will need to bring any medication with you to the recheck.
7. Laundry, trail equipment, trail food issue, mail. Dirty clothing may be washed at Philmont’s self-service laundry. One or more crew members should be assigned to bring all the crew’s dirty clothes to the laundry. All clothing should be marked with your names in indelible ink, and any loose patches or insignia should be removed to save time and confusion for everyone. Laundry soap and supplies are available from the Tooth of Time Traders or the laundry. Just before leaving the Mabree Services Building, your adviser should pick up your mail. Your first trail food will be issued in this complex as well. The crew leader’s copy of your itinerary must be presented to draw your trail food.
8. Gear Shakedown. In a place designated by your ranger, you will unpack everything. Your ranger will review the necessary items and demonstrate the best methods of packing at Philmont. Store excess items in your crew locker. Please note: After leaving Camping Headquarters, there is NO opportunity to return excess baggage. If you have doubts about taking certain items, discuss them with your ranger.
9. Your crew reporter visits News and Photo Service. Before departing for Philmont, your crew should select one member to serve as its reporter. The reporter should contact local news media and arrange to have one or two articles about your Philmont expedition published. Philmont’s News and Photo Service will furnish helpful hints and other information for news articles to your reporter.
10. Tour Camping Headquarters—Tooth of Time Traders. As time permits, your ranger can give you a tour of Camping Headquarters. Tours of the Villa Philmonte can be scheduled at the Philmont Museum. Your tour should include a visit to the Tooth of Time Traders, where a complete supply of Scout uniforms and equipment, Philmont items (patches, belts, buckles, wool jackets, maps, etc.), and other souvenirs is available. You will have another opportunity to visit the trading post when you return from the trail.
11. Headquarters dining hall. In Camping Headquarters, you will eat in the dining hall. The menus are well-balanced and nutritious.
12. Advisers meeting, crew leaders meeting, chaplain aides meeting. Separate meetings will take place for advisers, crew leaders, and chaplain aides. Topics will include current backcountry conditions as well as tips to improve your expedition.
13. Religious services. Chaplains of Jewish, Protestant, Catholic, and Latter-day Saints faiths conduct services at Camping Headquarters beginning at 7 p.m. Your crew is encouraged to attend. The Tooth of Time Traders and snack bar will be closed at this time.
14. Write home, call home. After supper is a good time to write home. Your parents will enjoy hearing from you. Philmont postcards are available at the Tooth of Time Traders. Phones are available in base camp.
15. Opening campfire. Your first evening campfire at Philmont is a pageant of the Philmont Story, a historic narrative of the Southwest. Your Philmont adventure begins here. Warm clothing is recommended for this and all campfires.
16. A good night’s sleep. Following the campfire, quietly return to your tent for a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow you hit the trail!
17. Security and lost and found. Philmont employs a seasonal staff to help with lost and found, issuing crew lockers, and security. Do not leave valuables in tents; Philmont is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Philmont Contact Information

Philmont covers over 214 square miles. While it is possible to get messages to hikers in the back country, it is difficult. The Philmont staff does an amazing job of keeping track of every crew in the back country during all treks.

To send mail to a scout:

Trek participants’ address at Philmont is:

Your Name + Expedtition Number
47 Caballo Road
Cimarron, NM 87714

The emergency phone number at Philmont is 575-376-2281. Telephone calls to campers are restricted to EXTREME EMERGENCIES ONLY.

You will need to know the crew/expedition number for them to find the crew.

Expedition numbers:

702-L-01 Troop 1075

702-L-02 Troops 29/1062/1/13/42

2012 Philmont Trek Train Information

Questions have come up about what to pack for the train. We will discuss this more at our last meeting.

Remember: EVERYTHING that you bring with you that doesn’t go on the trail, goes into the storage locker. Each crew has 2 2x2x3′ lockers total. Everybodys gear must fit into these bins.

Most likely you will NOT have access to your stored pack until we get to Raton. Pack anything you may need on the train in your carry-on.

We will be wearing Troop t-shirts on the train. Jeans or shorts are fine. These clothes will be stored in the locker and worn home on the train as well.

blanket – the train often is on the cool side.

pillow – small or inflatable (storage space issue)

books to read


Ipods are fine on the train. There are electrical outlets by the seats. ALL electrical devices (including phones) stay back at camp, they do not go on the trail.

cards (if desired)

The train has a lounge car with tables, and a snack bar below. There is a dining car as well. There is no money budgeted for either of these in the fees paid.