Philmont Trek Selection

Our scouts put a lot of time and effort into selecting the top 5 treks that they wanted to do this year.  Today was the day to put in our selections.  At 12:30 Central time, our trek was confirmed.  We have Trek 24!  Our first choice.  In 6 treks, I have gotten our 1st choice 5 times and 2nd choice once when we were going with a sister crew.  Going through the selection process is a little stressful and takes planning. Just make sure you follow all of their directions and get everything you can preloaded.

We are excited.  We will get to see the T-Rex track, see Metcalf Station and the train tracks.  We will go over Baldy and tooth of Time.

It has several camps that I have been through, but never stayed at – Anastazi, Baldy Town, Santa Claus, Pueblano.  It also has camps that I have never been to – Dan Beard, Deer Lake Mesa, Metcalf Station.

And camps that I have stayed at – we go through Indian Writings, Cimarroncito, Shaefers Pass.

It had a great combination of programs and trail camps. 

Should be a great time!

Training has been in low gear for the winter.  Now its time to get serious!

We are still looking for our 12th member.