Okpik 2013

Yes, another High Adventure is just over the horizon. Our troop will be at OKPIK over Martin Luther King weekend. We have 2 crews going over the long weekend. After several years of trying, we have a Musher trek. All dogs, all the time for 3 days – should be a great time! Our other crew will be a normal trek out to the ice for 2 nights. Having done this 3 other times, it is a great trip.
Winter camping has its own set of challenges, but is really fun.

Philmont Trek 14, 2012 notes

I have posted notes from our trek this year. As always, it is an amazing journey. As they say, the journey is the destination! Each year and crew brings its own challenges and skills to the table. No trip is identical to a previous trip. I have been fortunate enough to be part of three different and wonderful crews!

My notes from this years trip can be viewed here