Philmont 2024

Troop 55 is excited to have Mark take over High Adventure planning from Dave and Myself.

While we have LOVED setting up all the High Adventures over the years, it is time for some one younger to take over. We believer that the future of Troop 55 High Adventures are in good hands with Mark going forward!

SeaBase 2023

We had 24 adults and scouts attend SeaBase in 2023. They had an amazing trip.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to the group that helped pal the trip! There is a reason why we had a group involved in putting this trip together. There were SO many pieces to make this work. Photos to come.

SeaBase 2023

And they are off!

24 left for Chicago and O’Hare on Friday night. Flew to Miami and drove to Camp Sawyer for the night.

Drove to SeaBase today and their adventure is on!

They should have an amazing trip! Looking forward to hearing stories.