Philmont 2021

Its hard to believe it is coming up, but in under 6 months,our crew will be hiking in Philmont. We submitted our trek requests through the lottery. Early this year. We found out that they got their top choice. It looks like an amazing trek and they should have lots of fun.

Unfortunately, 3 member had to back out, so we are in the process of trying to find a few more scouts to fill out our crew.

For 2022, we were only able to fill one crew and turned the other back in for another crew to be able to go.

OKPIK 2022

We just got back from enjoying OKPIK 2021 and it was time to put in our preferences for 2022. We were able to get 1 cabin stay and 1 lake stay trek for 2021. we have nearly both of them filled and hoping to go from 8 person crews to 11 person crews. Looking forward to many scouts and adults who have not had the fun of experiencing OKPIK and winter camping finding out how much fun it is!

Philmont 2022

Payments are due soon for Philmont 2022. Hard to imagine. We were fortunate enough to get 2 treks for 2022, but with the timing could only be sure of filling 1 crew, so we had to give back 1 crew.

Philmont 2021

It’s hard to believe that our Philmont trek preferences are due in 10 days. Seems very early. Lots of work to due until then. Our crew is looking at the trek options to decide their top 6 choices. Not sure you can go wrong with any choice. They are all fun. The area is so beautiful that just being there is worth it.