Jamboree 2013

Just got back from the 2013 Jamboree at Summit Bechtal Reserve. Once, again, I worked as medical staff. It was quite an adventure working at the first Jamboree on a new site. The site itself is gorgeous! Lots to do. Starting next year, it will open as the 4th High Adventure base. It will offer Ziplines, the Canopy Tours, Shotguns, Rifles, BMX bikes, skateboards, high and low Mountain bikes, rock climbing and rappelling as well as whitewater rafting, canoeing, kayaking, and more water sports. It sounds as though you will need to sign up for one type of program and that will be your program for your time at the camp. Cost to be released in the future.

My full writeup and photos from Jamboree will be up in the next few days.




The Gateway Entrance







One of the subcamps before the scouts arrive.








A few scouts going down the  “Big-Zip”  3200 feet of fun!






Scouts going down the “Gateway Zipline”  1100 feet in 25 seconds!









A view from the top.  It looks like a long way down.






 While this looks real, it is a man-made wall.  It looks great!




Some scouts climbing.





 another part of the wall was set up to rapel.






Walking around there was a lot to see.  A few of the areas included:






 A really fun water challenge








Canoes, kayaks, and paddle boards







pools for snorkeling and scuba








a really amazing area for Shotguns







a HUGE area for bows







dragon boats were available for races




 They had 4 different BMX tracks.  After passing through the first 3, then you got to ride in the Big track.




to the first turn



down the straight.  This track had some great jumps with good air.





the staff camp.  They had the largest dining hall I have ever seen.  The large white tent on the right?  That was seating for eating.





the boardwalk around one side of a small lake. Very nice.








This was an amazing suspension bridge!








from the top of one side.








stunts panes flew over one morning




 another day, a P-51 flew by







The National Guard tent had an OCC chopper




Dale Earnhardt Jrs car





and Tony Schumachers dragster.



There were 2 great signs at technology Quest.




Are you?









fog one morning




A huge crowd for the closing seremony




Mike Rowe gave another inspiring talk









3 Doors Down rocked the place!








scouts walking back after the show



Another big storm came through, followed by a rainbow.




Because of the storm, the fireworks show was moved to Monday night.








It was a long, really well done show.






Lots of BIG fireworks.

Flambeau River trip

Troop 55 started a venture patrol in the last year. The patrol was formed, the by laws for the patrol were worked out by the advisors and the scouts in the patrol. The scouts talked about what trip they wanted to do for this year. The overwhelming winner was a 50 mile canoe trip on the Flambeau river.

While the water was higher than I have ever seen it, the trip was awesome! I think it lived up to the hopes and expectations of the scouts. Beautiful scenery, great river, and really fun rapids.

It took us about 6 1/2 hours with stops to get to the Flambeau Lodge.




Once there, we setup camp.  The scouts had time to do some canoeing in the Flambeau lake.




One scout needed to finish up the canoeing badge.









By the lodge, they have hummingbird feeders.  I’ve never seen so many in one area.







We camped there for the night.






That night, drove into Ladysmith for pizza at Grandpas Pizza. Very good.




The mosquitos were really bad, even with bug spray. Once the sun went down, they got much better and the evening was enjoyable, even had a fire and smores. It rained that night, so wet tents to put away.

The next morning, we packed up camp, had breakfast and loaded up. It is about a 40 minute ride to 9 mile drop off.


The lodge provided our canoes and kayak and drove us to the drop off site. Unloaded, packed up the canoes and off we went.





The river was up at least 18 inches from normal. This is apparently down 1 1/2 to 2 feet from 2 weeks ago. Can’t imagine it that high. A much faster current than usual.

It was overcast and spitting rain for the first 3 hours. Even in the middle of a 30 foot wide river, the mosquitos were terrible! 11I don’t recall needing bug spray while in a canoe before, but you did that day! We stopped for lunch about half way. We had freeze dried Mountain House meals for lunch and supper. The mosquitos were bad enough that it was a very fast stop to eat.

Spent the next 3 hours paddling. Stopped at Boy Scout camp (what better name for a camp) to end a 22 mile day. The water was so high, that the normal beach to pull into was under water. Had to pull the canoes up onto the muddy shore. Not easy with more current and a smaller area to land. We finished getting camp set up and tents dried out. 15Started to rain again.


Waited for the rain to stop and cooked supper. The mosquitos were out in force again, even with high concentration DEET. We opted to walk down to Big Bearlodge about 1 1/2 miles down the road from where we camped. Had some rootbeer, popcorn, watched the Stanley Cup finals and waited for the mosquitos to go away for the night. Rained again that night and had wet tents in the morning.

Sunday morning, set the tents in the sun to partially dry, had breakfast and packed up.



It was a beautiful sunny day, warm with a slight breeze. Even better, no mosquitos! Today would be an easy paddle, about 14 miles. We stopped at Camp 41 for a short break and then continued to Cedar Rapids camp.



Again the water was so high, that the beach was gone and had to maneuver onto a muddy bank and pull the canoes out. Dried out the tents, set up camp and had lunch. The camp sits in front of a really great set of rapids. The boys spent the next several hours canoeing down the rapids and portaging back up the trail and repeat.


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All was going well until the last run when the kayak wiped out on a rock and the kayak paddle floated away. Never to be seen again.






Being prepared, we had extra canoe paddles but forgot and extra kayak paddle. Using 2 extra canoe paddles and rope, Ben lashed them together to make a very usable kayak paddle. Great job!






We cooked supper that night. We found some dry wood to start a fire.









Under the picnic tables was enough dry, split wood for us to have a really good fire all night!  Once again it rained during the night.





The next morning was beautiful weather. Sunny, warm and no breeze. We had breakfast, packed up camp, loaded up the canoes and headed for the last 9 miles back to camp. Our last challenge was Beaver Dam. This has always been fun. Shoot the middle, have a 4 foot drop. This year the water was too high to safely go over the middle. We chose the right side. Still fun and challenging, but safe. We arrived at the lodge before 11 am. Unloaded the canoes and packed up. A warm shower felt great!

We were leaving by noon.

Arrived home around 6:30pm.

It was a great trip. Lots of fun, great scenery and a great group to travel with. It was a great success for our first trip as a Venture Patrol.

High Adventure Planning

Is your Troop interested in going on a High Adventure by yourself or doing a “non BSA” High Adventure? If so, this meeting may be for you.

In December or early January, the Winnebago Council High Adventure Committee will host an education on High Adventures.

We will cover :
What they are
How to plan one
How to prepare
Some options and opportunities available
Much, much more.

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