Troop 55 high Adventures

Our High Adventure plans are getting finalized.

We have a full crew headed to Philmont this summer.

2 crews headed to OKPIK for winter camping in January. 1 lake stay and 1 cabin stay.

1 crew headed to Philmont in 2025.

Plans for another SeaBase trip in 2026.

So many fun things ahead for our scouts (and adults).

Future Troop 55 High Adventures.

Liz has started a survey to see what the scouts and scouters want to do in the next few years. We have a full crew headed to Philmont in 2024. Hoping for OKPIK in 2025. Looking at SeaBase and Summit Bechtel for 2025 and 2026. Just have to decide where they fit. Looks like a LOT of fun coming up in the next few years.

We have had a very strong High Adventure Program in our Troop over the years, and it’s good to see it is in good hands with Liz.


Our site was down for a few days when one of the plugins caused a catastrophic error. it took a few days to find the problem and fix it. Luckily our hosting site was a huge help in finding the problem and it is fixed now. All of our content is back up and available.

Philmont 2024

The first planning meeting is in the books. We had a full crew, then lost one. We found 1 scout from another troop and are back to a full crew again. Looks to be another amazing trip.

Philmont 2024

We have amazing news about our 2024 Philmont trek. Mark is leading that group and we have it FILLED with 5 adults and 7 scouts! We have a full crew with a waiting list. This is an amazing problem to have. And we have a LOT of younger scouts coming up that will be old enough to do High Adventures in the next few years. Troop 55 High Adventure looks like it has a wonderful future ahead of it.

Philmont 2024

Troop 55 is excited to have Mark take over High Adventure planning from Dave and Myself.

While we have LOVED setting up all the High Adventures over the years, it is time for some one younger to take over. We believer that the future of Troop 55 High Adventures are in good hands with Mark going forward!

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