
Our site was down for a few days when one of the plugins caused a catastrophic error. it took a few days to find the problem and fix it. Luckily our hosting site was a huge help in finding the problem and it is fixed now. All of our content is back up and available.

Philmont 2024

The first planning meeting is in the books. We had a full crew, then lost one. We found 1 scout from another troop and are back to a full crew again. Looks to be another amazing trip.

Philmont 2024

We have amazing news about our 2024 Philmont trek. Mark is leading that group and we have it FILLED with 5 adults and 7 scouts! We have a full crew with a waiting list. This is an amazing problem to have. And we have a LOT of younger scouts coming up that will be old enough to do High Adventures in the next few years. Troop 55 High Adventure looks like it has a wonderful future ahead of it.

Philmont 2024

Troop 55 is excited to have Mark take over High Adventure planning from Dave and Myself.

While we have LOVED setting up all the High Adventures over the years, it is time for some one younger to take over. We believer that the future of Troop 55 High Adventures are in good hands with Mark going forward!

Philmont 2024

We have had enough interest that we have a crew going to Philmont in 2024. Mark is heading up that trek. He had 9 of 12 spots filled and is working to fill the last few. Should be another great trip.

Philmont 2022

They completed their trek, had an amazing time and now they are back. After the Amtrak train derailment, and having to find another way home; they got back on July 2nd by bus.

Photos and a trip report to come.

Philmont 2022 Update

Our crew completed their trek and had an amazing adventure!

As many of you are aware, there was a terrible Amtrak train derailment in Missouri. Unfortunately, that was their train to take home and those trains have been cancelled. They spend the better part of a day in camp working on possible ways to get home. They looked at several members driving down and back, trying to rent vehicles (all gone), renting an RV (gone) flights (wow are they expensive) or a bus home. The bus became the most reasonable option. The 16 hour trip home now becomes a 24 hour trip with 3 bus changes and layovers.

Photos to be posted later.

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