SeaBase 2023

We had 24 adults and scouts attend SeaBase in 2023. They had an amazing trip.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to the group that helped pal the trip! There is a reason why we had a group involved in putting this trip together. There were SO many pieces to make this work. Photos to come.

SeaBase 2023

And they are off!

24 left for Chicago and O’Hare on Friday night. Flew to Miami and drove to Camp Sawyer for the night.

Drove to SeaBase today and their adventure is on!

They should have an amazing trip! Looking forward to hearing stories.

Wilderness First Aid

We had our Wilderness First Aid class today with 22 registered and 20 attending. They were a great group, had a lot of fun and felt like they learned a lot. A huge thank you to Ed, Brian, Lauren and Ariana for helping to teach.

Our next class is in April. Registration is now open on the council Calendar.

SeaBase 2023

We are about 3 weeks away from leaving for SeaBase. We have all 24 spots filled, airline tickets purchased as a group and vans reserved.

Tonight, 17 of the 24 completed their “Blue Swimmer” test. Awesome job! They also practiced with their masks and snorkels. We were able to get a great deal from our local scuba shop. Thanks!

The other 7 are working on times to get that done.

They have their “uniform” shirts and hats purchased! Awesome job Liz! They just might stick out in a crowd. Photo of everyone in their shirts and hats to come. It will be EPIC!

Philmont 2024

We have had enough interest that we have a crew going to Philmont in 2024. Mark is heading up that trek. He had 9 of 12 spots filled and is working to fill the last few. Should be another great trip.

SeaBase 2023

SeaBase is coming up quickly. Under 6 weeks to go. The crews are ready. They have finished training sessions and have their packing lists. Looking forward to warm weather.

OKPIK 2023

We had 19 adults and scouts go to OKPIK last month. While it was warmer than usual, high about 30, low in the teens, they had a great time! Photos to come.

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