OKPIK 2023

OKPIK 2023 is coming up quickly. We have exciting news! We had our lake stay crew already filled and had 2 scouts interested in doing a cabin stay. We kept looking and now have 7 for a cabin stay including 3 adults! The cabin stay is a go! The reservation is confirmed. The only question now is will it be a small crew or a large crew?

Training sessions for OKPIK and SeaBase have also been set.

SeaBase 2023

The planning is coming together. We have 23 of 24 spots filled and expect to have the last spot filled soon. We were able to find semi reasonable group airline tickets. Working on bus transportation and where to stay for the 1st night, but have several good options. While putting together a group of 24 persons may seem like a big task, we have a great committee working on it and it all seems to be coming together. More details soon.

High Adventures 2023

Troop 55 has 2 High Adventure trips planned for 2023.

We currently have a lake stay planned for OKPIK (Ely, Minn) in January. We may add a cabin stay for our younger scouts if we have enough interest. Currently, have 2 interested, need at least 3 more.

SeaBase 2023. We have 3 Coral Reef Sailing trips planned. We have room for 24 scouts and adults and have 21 spots filled. We are looking to fill the last 3 spots. We have flights out of Minneapolis reserved for 24. Leaving 3/11/23 and returning 3/17/22. Having done this in the past, it is SO much fun. Besides living on a 50 ft sailing vessel, you also get to snorkel on 2 or 3 reefs. Absolutely beautiful!

Philmont 2022

They completed their trek, had an amazing time and now they are back. After the Amtrak train derailment, and having to find another way home; they got back on July 2nd by bus.

Photos and a trip report to come.

Philmont 2022 Update

Our crew completed their trek and had an amazing adventure!

As many of you are aware, there was a terrible Amtrak train derailment in Missouri. Unfortunately, that was their train to take home and those trains have been cancelled. They spend the better part of a day in camp working on possible ways to get home. They looked at several members driving down and back, trying to rent vehicles (all gone), renting an RV (gone) flights (wow are they expensive) or a bus home. The bus became the most reasonable option. The 16 hour trip home now becomes a 24 hour trip with 3 bus changes and layovers.

Photos to be posted later.

Philmont 2022

The crew is off and slightly over half way through. They had a fun train ride to Raton and a short bus ride to Philmont. One of our Eagle Scouts was their ranger.

Photos coming back show them having a good trek. A little rain here and there, to be expected.

Looking forward to seeing photos and hearing about their trip.

Woodbadge 2023

I am excited to finally be able to be part of the Woodbadge Team for 2023. Woodbadge was an amazing adventure when I took that course. I have wanted to be part of the training team ever since, but the dates just have not worked out. I was asked to be part of the training team for 2023 and it works in my schedule. SO excited to FINALLY be able to do this. One more thing marked off my bucket list.

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