Philmont Planning

The first Philmont planning meeting will be January 21st at Orchard Hill Church (3900 Orchard Hill Drive, Cedar Falls) in the “BigHouse” the white house next to the church. We will start at 2 and should be finished before 4. We will go over general Philmont information, trek options, selection ideas, start working on crew leaders, look at gear and a ot of other important, plus lots of time for questions.

High Adventure Training

Winnebago Council will hold a High Adventure training session on January 21st at the Scout Office.

If your troop has an interest in High Adventures, this training may be for you.

If your troop is looking at a “Non-BSA High Adventure”, we can help with your planning. Some of these trips by Troops include the Rocky Mountains, Boundary Water canoe trips, Flambo River canoe trip, Eagle Claw and many other options.

Call the Scout Office if you are interested in attending.

Philmont 2012

We still have openings for the 2012 Philmont crews.
Contact the Scout Office if yo have any questions or want to sign up. You can sign up as a Troop, a few scouts, or a single scout. We also have room for more adults. Scouts between 18 and 21 also can attend.

We will plan to have the first Philmont 2012 planning meeting in November.

Philmont and SeaBase

Seabase – the Spring Break crew is full. There is some interest in a second ship. We still need 3 more before reserving the second ship.

June crew – there is still one spot available. Both crews are on the Coral Reef Sailing.

Philmont – we have 1 crew full, 1 crew 1/2 filled ( 6 of 12 ). The third crew is completely empty at this time. We will be deciding in the near future whether to keep the third and try to fill it or turn back to Philmont. If you are considering going to Philmont next year, and you haven’t reserved a spot yet, do so soon. If we turn down the third crew, we won’t have many spots open.

Upcoming High Adventures . . .

Philmont 2011 is finished. We had a great follow up meeting with everyone able to tell more about their treks. Many good pictures and videos of the trips.

We will begin the planning meetings for Seabase 2012 soon. This trip does not require as much detailed planning.

The planning meetings for Philmont 2012 will start in October. We still have room for more adults and scouts. Talk to anyone who has been to Philmont and they will tell you about a “don’t miss adventure”.

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