Philmont 2022

The crew is off and slightly over half way through. They had a fun train ride to Raton and a short bus ride to Philmont. One of our Eagle Scouts was their ranger.

Photos coming back show them having a good trek. A little rain here and there, to be expected.

Looking forward to seeing photos and hearing about their trip.

Woodbadge 2023

I am excited to finally be able to be part of the Woodbadge Team for 2023. Woodbadge was an amazing adventure when I took that course. I have wanted to be part of the training team ever since, but the dates just have not worked out. I was asked to be part of the training team for 2023 and it works in my schedule. SO excited to FINALLY be able to do this. One more thing marked off my bucket list.

BSA National Jamboree

I am excited to be part of the 2023 National Jamboree. I have been fortunate enough to be part of an AMAZING group of individuals that make up Base Camp Charlie. This will be the 3rd National Jamboree and 1 World Jamboree that I have worked with this group. As they say, its a “family reunion”.

An absolutely amazing group of people that I feel blessed to work with.

Baloo/IOLS Training

What a great group of people to work with. We had 17 people go through Baloo training and 15 go through IOLS training. A great group of people, and so happy to be part of the teaching group.

Philmont 2022

We are under 6 weeks until out Philmont trek. I continue to read about the fires in that area, and that causes a LOT of concern. We lost out 2018 trek due to fire, our 2020 trek due to Co-Vid. Now there are fires in the southern part of Philmont and our trek is in the South. We are watching closely and hoping for the best.

Philmont 2022

We had another meeting for the Philmont trip this summer. Currently we have 9 of the 12 positions filled, but still looking to see if we can fill it.

The scouts did an amazing job tonight! In under 90 minutes, they watched a video of a prior trip, talked about what happens on a philmont trek. And picked their 6 top choices for their trek.

Mark got it entered into the Gateway.

They also decided on the leadership positions, so one more thing finalized.

Now, just waiting/hoping AMTRAK will have their sale on train tickets again.

The crew is in great shape for their upcoming trip.

High Adventures in the next year:

We have a lot of fun activities coming up for our Troop.

June 2022 Philmont. We have 9 confirmed so far. May have another 2. We have reached out to 2 other Troops to see if they have any interest to help fill out our crew.

OKPIK 2023. We had 8 who could not attend this year due to Co-Vid. We talked about it, and they are interested in going back next year. We have 9 going back for a Lake Stay. We need 2 more to fill a “Large Crew”.

Sea Base 2023. We were not able to get the “Tall Ship”. But we got 3 Coral Reef instead. We have 21 of 24 spots already filled. I don’t think it will take much longer to fill the remaining spots.

We just created a sub committee for Sea Base to work on the logistics of the trip. More hands make easier work.

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