
I have some of the photos from the trip posted at .

The pre-trip photo of all 3 crews


Our crew climbed to the top of Mount Phillips.

It is a strenous climb to the top of the 11,700 foot mountain, but the view is amazing.  This is about 180 degree panorama.

We also climbed the Tooth of Time.  Another great view.  This is a 360 degree panorama from the top.

Crew 704-I-02 Itinary 17

I have all of my notes from the trek posted.  I still need to go through the spelling – I’m sure there are corrections to be made.  The notes are in the pages under trek 17.  They are done on a daily basis.  I hope you enjoy.



We’re Back!

Once again, Philmont was an amazing trip.  We had 32 people complete their trek.  Each one was fun/difficult/challenging in it’s own way.  I think I talked to almost everyone who went, all everyone had fun stories to tell and had a great time.

For me, one of the most fun things was meeting with Troop 29/42 on Tooth Ridge camp, having a combined devotion and sharing stories.  We all met up with Troop 2 at Basecamp.  The train was a great way to share stories of the treks and relax on the way home.

Date to be determined – We will have a final get together for all 3 treks at Orchard Hill Church in about 3-4 weeks.  This will be a chance to share stories, and watch a video of all 3 treks.  It also will be a time to discuss the training and meetings we had.  See what worked, what can be improved, what should have been added and what can be removed from next years training.


I am still typing up my notes from Trek 17 and will post them in the pages section in the next few days.


Final Day

It’s hard to believe.  After months of planning, lots of work behind the scenes by your Crew Leaders, we are at the day of leaving for Philmont.  You will find that all of that hard work and training will pay off.  This will be an “Adventure of a Lifetime”.

For the parents, your son’s will come back as a different person than that who left.  Philmont challenges you physically, mentally and spiritually, and the person who comes back from this adventure will show that.

Last Hike

Thursday night wil be our last training hike. We will meet at Lookout Park at 6 pm as usual. So everyone can start their final gear packing, this will be a non pack hike (you can bring your pack if you desire, I’m not). Bring your pack if you Ned help getting it adjusted. Otherwise, I will see everyone on Saturday at 1 pm.

3 days and counting

3 days until we get on the train to Philmont.  After lots of planning and meetings, it’s almost here.

It’s been great the last two days for training hikes.  Lots of scouts and adults showing up.  It’s been a good chance to get the backpacks adjusted.  Everynight, at least one more is fitted better and that person notices the difference of a well fitted pack.

We have found a new route through Hartman Reserve with even more stairs!  Great for training and we still end with the Lookout Park hill.

For each crew – be sure to bring one HEAVY DUTY CARABINER for the Oops bag that is attached to the bear bags.  Not sure what this is, don’t worry, the ranger will explain it to you.  Just be sure, as a crew, you have one.

Again, on Saturday, wear your trek t-shirts for pictures, then change to what you will wear on the train.  Keep your class A in your carry on bag and anything else you want on the train.

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