OKPIK 2021

We got the lottery results back and we have 2 crews for 2021. Should be fun! Since we have so many scouts that will only be 13, we will be doing the cabin stay instead of the frozen lake stay. The older scouts can still stay outside if they wish as can the adults.

OKPIK 2021

Our scouts have decide they want to go to OKPIK in 2021. I was hoping we would have 6-8 adults and scouts interested in attending. Instead, we had 14 adults and scouts, so we have entered the lottery for 2 crews.

Now, we just wait.

Philmont 2020

Our Philmont trek is getting closer.

This weekend our crew got together and reviewed all the treks. They did an amazing job. After about an hour, the scouts took 35 treks, decreased them to 6 and got them ranked. We are ready to submit them for the trek lottery. Hope we get our first or second choice. Now to wait a month for the lottery.

Philmont Itineraries

It’s earlier than in the past, but the Itineraries have been released. Many of them seem much shorter than in previous years. this probably has to do with the fires and a large portion that still cannot be used.

There are a lot of relly fun treks with a lot to do.

Our scouts have filled out the activity survey and we”ve compiled their preferences.

Next will be narrowing down the 35 treks to about 10 for them to shoose from.

Submission is different this year as well. Probably more fair than in the past. Now you have amonth to submit and modify. Then they will run a program to decide on the trek you get. Should be interesting to see how this works.

Philmont Planning

We had our first Philmont planning meeting over the weekend. It was a great meeting with a lot of useful information shared by those who had been to Philmont in the past. It was great to have scouts who had just completed a Rayado trek this summe to tell the other scouts and adults what to expect. We had a nice mix of adults and scouts that had been to Philmont before and those who had never been there.

Tim went over the gear. What to bring and just as important or more important, what not to bring.

We used the 1st meeting outline that is available for download on this site. We went over the budget for the trek and showed the video from the 2016 trek. The scouts filled out the trek survey.

A great start for next years trek.

Philmont Training

Our Troop is under 1 year away from their next trek to Philmont. After having the 2018 trek cancelled due to the fires there, we are looking forward to returning.

We will be having joint training with another local Troop that is also going in 2020.

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