OKPIK 2023

We had 19 adults and scouts go to OKPIK last month. While it was warmer than usual, high about 30, low in the teens, they had a great time! Photos to come.

OKPIK 2023

OKPIK 2023 is coming up quickly. We have exciting news! We had our lake stay crew already filled and had 2 scouts interested in doing a cabin stay. We kept looking and now have 7 for a cabin stay including 3 adults! The cabin stay is a go! The reservation is confirmed. The only question now is will it be a small crew or a large crew?

Training sessions for OKPIK and SeaBase have also been set.

High Adventures in the next year:

We have a lot of fun activities coming up for our Troop.

June 2022 Philmont. We have 9 confirmed so far. May have another 2. We have reached out to 2 other Troops to see if they have any interest to help fill out our crew.

OKPIK 2023. We had 8 who could not attend this year due to Co-Vid. We talked about it, and they are interested in going back next year. We have 9 going back for a Lake Stay. We need 2 more to fill a “Large Crew”.

Sea Base 2023. We were not able to get the “Tall Ship”. But we got 3 Coral Reef instead. We have 21 of 24 spots already filled. I don’t think it will take much longer to fill the remaining spots.

We just created a sub committee for Sea Base to work on the logistics of the trip. More hands make easier work.

OKPIK 2022

Everyone is excited. We’ve finished the planning and preparation and are ready to leave tomorrow.

However; as everywhere, Co-Vid has raised its ugly head.

We had 11 doing the lake stay and 10 in cabin stay.

Due to those with positive tests or close exposure, we are down to 4 for lake stay and 9 in cabin stay.

I’m just glad OKPIK made us test prior to leaving, otherwise our numbers could be much higher.

We are sad to leave 1/2 the group behind.

OKPIK 2022

1 week to go. We have 2 crews. 1 will be camping and 1 will be cabin stay. Both will have an amazing adventure! Our rosters have been submitted. We are collecting the final forms. Its getting cold, snowing, we are ready to get the “Zero Hero”. Again, for some of us.

OKPIK 2022

We had our first planning meeting for our 2022 OKPIK trip. We have 2 crews going. One is doing the lake stay and one is cabin stay.

Lots of good questions.

We went over the costs, logistics of getting up there.

What to expect while their.

Make sure everyone has their physical forms up to date including a copy of your insurance card, and adults have YPT certificate with them.

Went over gear. What to bring and what they can provide.

Looking forward to another fun OKPIK trip!

OKPIK 2022

Along with our planning for Philmont, we are also putting together planning for our 2 crews headed to OKPIK in January , 2022. Should be another great trip with some going a second time and some their first trip. It’s going to be awesome!

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