High Adventures in the next year:

We have a lot of fun activities coming up for our Troop.

June 2022 Philmont. We have 9 confirmed so far. May have another 2. We have reached out to 2 other Troops to see if they have any interest to help fill out our crew.

OKPIK 2023. We had 8 who could not attend this year due to Co-Vid. We talked about it, and they are interested in going back next year. We have 9 going back for a Lake Stay. We need 2 more to fill a “Large Crew”.

Sea Base 2023. We were not able to get the “Tall Ship”. But we got 3 Coral Reef instead. We have 21 of 24 spots already filled. I don’t think it will take much longer to fill the remaining spots.

We just created a sub committee for Sea Base to work on the logistics of the trip. More hands make easier work.

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