We’re Back!

Once again, Philmont was an amazing trip.  We had 32 people complete their trek.  Each one was fun/difficult/challenging in it’s own way.  I think I talked to almost everyone who went, all everyone had fun stories to tell and had a great time.

For me, one of the most fun things was meeting with Troop 29/42 on Tooth Ridge camp, having a combined devotion and sharing stories.  We all met up with Troop 2 at Basecamp.  The train was a great way to share stories of the treks and relax on the way home.

Date to be determined – We will have a final get together for all 3 treks at Orchard Hill Church in about 3-4 weeks.  This will be a chance to share stories, and watch a video of all 3 treks.  It also will be a time to discuss the training and meetings we had.  See what worked, what can be improved, what should have been added and what can be removed from next years training.


I am still typing up my notes from Trek 17 and will post them in the pages section in the next few days.


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