Train information

Questions have come up about what to pack for the train.  We will discuss this more on Saturday.

Remember:  EVERYTHING that you bring with you that doesn’t go on the trail, goes into the storage locker.  Each crew has 2 2x2x3′ lockers total.  Everyones gear must fit into these bins.

Most likely you will NOT have access to your stored pack until we get to Raton.  Pack anything you may need on the train in your carry-on.

We will be wearing Troop t-shirts on the train.  Jeans or shorts are fine.  These clothes will be stored in the locker and worn home on the train as well.

blanket – the train often is on the cool side.

pillow – small or inflatable (storage space issue)

books to read


cards (if desired)

The train has a lounge car with tables, and a snack bar below.  There is a dining car as well.  There is no money budgeted for either of these in the fees paid.

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