Philmont trek 28 notes

I have posted my notes from our trek. Trek 28 was a very strenuous trek. It was listed as 82 miles. We only made a short 200 foot error. My GPS put the final trek miles as 114.7. you can find my notes under pages on the right.

In my notes, I have 2 mile readings listed. One is trek miles. This was per my GPS. I turned it on before we left camp and shut it off when we reached our camp for the night. I did not include any miles walked around basecamp before we left or after we returned.

The other is total miles. Another advisor had a pedometer with him. He let it run all day so it recorded every step including walking around camp, back and forth to the main cabin, etc.
He also included hiking around basecamp before the trek officially started and when we returned.

Our total trek miles were 114.7.
His total miles walked were 166.

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